full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carolyn Steel: How food shapes our cities

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This is an image of the Great wresten in 1840. And as you can see, some of the earliest train passengers were pigs and sheep. So all of a sudden, these animals are no lonegr walking into market. They're being slaughtered out of sight and mind, somewhere in the countryside. And they're coming into the city by rail. And this changes everything. To strat off with, it makes it possible for the first time to grow cities, really any size and shape, in any place. Cities used to be constrained by geography; they used to have to get their food through very difficult physical means. All of a sddeun they are efltfveicey entiemaapcd from geography.

Open Cloze

This is an image of the Great _______ in 1840. And as you can see, some of the earliest train passengers were pigs and sheep. So all of a sudden, these animals are no ______ walking into market. They're being slaughtered out of sight and mind, somewhere in the countryside. And they're coming into the city by rail. And this changes everything. To _____ off with, it makes it possible for the first time to grow cities, really any size and shape, in any place. Cities used to be constrained by geography; they used to have to get their food through very difficult physical means. All of a ______ they are ___________ ___________ from geography.


  1. effectively
  2. sudden
  3. emancipated
  4. start
  5. longer
  6. western

Original Text

This is an image of the Great Western in 1840. And as you can see, some of the earliest train passengers were pigs and sheep. So all of a sudden, these animals are no longer walking into market. They're being slaughtered out of sight and mind, somewhere in the countryside. And they're coming into the city by rail. And this changes everything. To start off with, it makes it possible for the first time to grow cities, really any size and shape, in any place. Cities used to be constrained by geography; they used to have to get their food through very difficult physical means. All of a sudden they are effectively emancipated from geography.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
natural world 2
ancient ancestors 2
arable land 2
grain markets 2
ordering principle 2
powerful tool 2
grown locally 2

Important Words

  1. animals
  2. cities
  3. city
  4. coming
  5. constrained
  6. countryside
  7. difficult
  8. earliest
  9. effectively
  10. emancipated
  11. food
  12. geography
  13. great
  14. grow
  15. image
  16. longer
  17. market
  18. means
  19. mind
  20. passengers
  21. physical
  22. pigs
  23. place
  24. rail
  25. shape
  26. sheep
  27. sight
  28. size
  29. slaughtered
  30. start
  31. sudden
  32. time
  33. train
  34. walking
  35. western